What are our playlists for
Listening to playlists has a statistically significant effect on reducing situational and personal anxiety and depression
Reduce anxiety
Anxiety is expressed in internal tension, a feeling of strong sense of concern, difficulty with concentrating. It may be accompanied by heart palpitations, muscle tension and sleep disturbance. This playlist works at a deep emotional level reducing anxiety and other negative emotional experiences.
Learn to understand yourself better,
be aware of your feelings and thoughts
("engage in self-regulation")
Our internal state is reflected in our body. Reducing internal stress will help to collect thoughts and better understand your feelings and bodily sensations. Psychological discharge during listening promotes physical and psychological self-regulation.
Learn to understand yourself better,
be aware of your feelings and thoughts
("engage in self-regulation")
Our internal state is reflected in our body. Reducing internal stress will help to collect thoughts and better understand your feelings and bodily sensations. Psychological discharge during listening promotes physical and psychological self-regulation.
To structure your time and avoid feeling bored or lonely during isolation
("structure your free time in self-isolation")
Music helps to spend time pleasurably, activate imagination and fond memories. You can listen to the playlists both alone and with your family. In isolation this is more relevant than ever.
Talk to a psychologist
Subscribe to get the app to start listening to playlists and to get access to a chat with a psychologist